Morning Worship - 9:30 AM each Sunday
Traditional and contemporary music is included in each worship service.
Children ages 3 through 5 pray with the Pastor to start their children's worship time before leaving. This happens before the sermon. Nursery is provided.
Evening Worship - 4 PM on 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
Special Worship Services
Maundy Thursday - A Potluck dinner (5:30 PM) is followed by Maundy Thursday [the Thursday before Easter] service at 7:00 PM. At that time we also partake in communion, commemorating the last supper where Jesus gave the instructions.
Easter Morning - “Sunrise” service at 8 AM....followed by breakfast for all worshipers....and then, morning worship at 9:30 AM is our traditional start to Resurrection Sunday morning. (No Sunday evening service is conducted on Easter.)
Thanksgiving Service - 9:30 AM on Thanksgiving morning.
Christmas Celebration Worship - Christmas morning at 9:30 AM
New Year / Old Year - A service recalling God's blessing over the past year is conducted on the final Sunday service of the year.