General Information
Youth Extreme is for middle school boys and girls, grades 5 through
8, who gather for Christian fellowship, fun, food, and service projects.
We meet twice a month, generally at Racine Christian School, and
usually on Saturdays, from 6 to 8:00 p.m. Occasionally we have some
activities that go longer or meet on another night. Sometimes we will
meet at the school and travel to our activity site, but we may also meet
at the activity site.
We use this as a time of Christian fellowship - a time to celebrate our
Lord and what he has done for us through salvation. We usually
begin our meetings with a time for devotions tied to our theme for the
year. We want to provide a place for Christian youth in this age
group to come together and enjoy themselves with other christian
youth. This provides for a good way to start evangelism with
unchurched friends. One of our goals is to keep the young people
connected to the larger body of Christ through this time of fellowship.